Saturday, June 30, 2007


Eph. 5:33 (NIV)
each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

Respect is an interesting thing. It seems to take lots of hard work to earn, but can be lost in a moment. As love is a wife's greatest emotional need, respect is the husband's. I find that when my wife respects my decisions, that I find it a lot easier to be the leader that God has called me to be. The wife sets the tone for the entire family as the first follower. It is important to remember that leadership is tough enough, and when I find myself in the position as the first follower, that any disrespect on my part just serves to undermine the whole institution, whether it be marriage or ministry. I also must realize that I must act in a way that I maintain the respect of my followers. Today, I will show respect to those over me and those under me. I will act in a way deserving of their respect, and I will show God respect by not taking his name in vain.

Friday, June 29, 2007


Eph. 5:21 (NIV)
Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.

Submission in this passage is almost always pushed on the women as is seen in the following verses. However, it is good for us to focus on the ideal of submission in all Christian relationships. Submission's greatest example is that of our Savior who being equal with God, made himself on no reputation and took on the form of a servant and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Jesus did not submit because he was less God, submission is a voluntary act. When we submit our will and our preferences for the benefit of others it shows Christ reverence. Today, I will refuse to be irreverent by not submitting myself for the benefit of others.

Thursday, June 28, 2007


Eph. 5:19 (NIV)
Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord,

God has blessed our church with an outstanding lead worshipper in Pastor Gabe Dunlap. After traveling with Brother's Keeper for 8 years and several top 10 songs on the Christian charts, he settled down and has been a tremendous blessing to our church. He is constantly developing the music program, both with the kids and with the adults. He has stretched our congregation even in the variety and quality of the music we sing. I say this about Gabe because he is not only an accomplished singer, but he is a talented song writer. God willing this Sunday we will sing a song he wrote in response to last Sunday's message. "I'm Gonna' Live Like You are God," came from a phrase I used in my conclusion and is a great truth that Gabe has made into music. The making of music should be differentiated from that of singing music we already know. God is a God of revelation and music is one of the greatest mediums to display a revelation from God. When God reveals himself to us, we should speak to one another by making music. Don't be afraid today to make up your own little jingle of what God is revealing to you.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Eph. 5:16 (NIV)
making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.

The New King James translates this "Redeeming the time" which is the more literal and thus better translation of this verse from the original text. I draw attention to it for a couple of reasons. 1. The NKJV is our standard text at CBC because it is the best modern "literal" text. It uses a word for word translation rather than a thought for thought. This verse is a good example of that. I often will use the NIV, but it draws criticism for this trait. 2. I use this verse today to show that the NIV does give us some good thoughts. Translating the thought of redeeming the time as making the most of every opportunity is a good one. I have come to learn in the last few weeks that I often don't even recognize opportunity. In truth opportunity seldom knocks, it just quietly waits outside the door for us to look through the peep hole and see it standing there on the porch. Today, I will concentrate myself to heighten my awareness of opportunities knowing that the days are evil.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Eph. 5:8 (NKJV)
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.

Notice that it does NOT say, you were once IN darkness, but now your are IN light. IN fact it says that we were darkness. Darkness was not a condition of our environment, it was our very essence. We were darkness! but now, (by the way, my favorite word in the Bible is the word "but") But now, you are light. No light is not just a condition of our environment, it is now our essence. God has left us here as lights.

Lights mean things. Everywhere on earth, lights are used to help others see, they are used for signals to communicate, and they are even used in medicine to heal. If you look at a light bulb, the light actually comes when there is a high amount of power passing through the smal filament. It is more power than the filament can handle and the light we see is the overflow. Today, let us ask God to empower us to the extent that our lights will shine bright.

Monday, June 25, 2007


Eph. 5:6 (NKJV)
Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.

Empty words carry no weight. In context, there will always be those who excuse, and explain away the laws of God. However the words are without merit. The words and excuses that they give lack substance. We must never allow ourselves or anyone else to make excuses for sin. Whether it be our own sin or the sin of another. The Bible makes it clear that repentance is the only proper response to sin. No excuses today!

Sunday, June 24, 2007


Eph. 5:1 (NKJV)
Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.

Everyone hates a fake. Someone who poses as one thing and in actuality is another. Churches are often accused of being full of hypocrites. People who are impostors. But there is a vast difference between an impostor and an imitator. Let me explain. A poser, impostor, and a fake are those who are falsely putting themselves out to cause others to believe that they are something that they are not. Here we are commanded to not be impostors, but to be imitators. Imitations is not only the greatest form of flattery, it is the essence of living the Christian life. As God is perfect, we are to constantly work to perfect ourselves and live like Him. As a child who dons their parents shoes we are to put on the learn and pattern our lives after Christ. Today, let us pick one trait of God to be our theme today and then we can practice that behavior until we grow to be just like our Father.

Saturday, June 23, 2007


Eph. 4:32 (NKJV)
And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.

Kindness according to Webster is archaic. I would have to agree. It seems that kindness is something that we no longer give much attention to today. Today we are all about exchange. I will scratch your back as long as you scratch mine. The verse goes on to talk about forgiveness. forgiveness is also one way. It cannot be exchanged. It is intended to be given regardless and if there is any exchange then it kind of nullifies the whole sentiment. We need to get back to showing kindness with no strings attached. Just as God showed us kindness and forgiveness by sending His Son to die in our stead.

Friday, June 22, 2007


Eph. 4:29 (NIV)
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

One of the most difficult things for any pastor is deciding what message series to deliver to the church. The Bible is inexhaustable in its truth and a church could conceiveably teach and preach for years and never get beyond truth to helpful. One of my goals in preaching and teaching as well as the blog is that it goes beyond disseminating truth to giving truth that is helpful.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Sun Set

Eph. 4:26 26

"Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun set on your wrath,

Sunsets are beautiful to watch, but when the sun is setting and your heart is not right, our anger overrides our ability to enjoy the sunset. When we pause to stare at the setting sun, we are often overwhelmed by the peace and tranquility of that particular moment in the day. The chapter is closing and all is finished. However if we have unresolved issues, then we will not enjoy the peace of the sunset or the rest of the night. It is likely that the one with whom we are angry will also feel the same. It is best to deal with our anger issues today, and not allow them the opportunity to develop into sin.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Eph. 4:29 (NIV)

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

Camp has taught me that if left to themselves, kids will often choose junk food. At first we all would choose the candy and soda, it tastes sweet, but in the end it is unwholesome. After a while the bodies rebel and the kids head for the salad bar. In life and ministry, the world is full of junk food. Things that we can partake in but are not really helpful. The words we choose to feed others should be helpful, and according to their needs.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Put Off

Eph. 4:25 (NIV)
Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body.

Today we are at Jr. Camp and I am in a cabin with 30 2nd - 6th graders. If you have never been to Jr. Camp, then you need to know that they spend all day sweating, and getting dirty, and if we are lucky they consider the pool as their baths. After a few days, they really begin to smell. The funny thing is that they don't even realize it. They have worn those dirty clothes so long, that they no longer even smell it themselves. As a counselor, I make it my duty to toe help them "put off" that dirty laundry. In the same way, we can fall into a pretty offensive pattern of lying and speaking falsehood. After a while it becomes a habit, and we seem to be immune to how awful it stinks to those around us. We need to put off falsehood, before we alienate ourselves. The great thing is that each of the kids' parents packed clean clothes for them. It does not take much for us to putt off the falsehood and put on honesty!

Monday, June 18, 2007


Eph. 4:18 (NIV)
They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts.

Oh yes... the ignorance that is in us, waiting for the right moment to show itself and embarrass us to no end. The truth is that even brain surgeons are no rocket scientists. Even the most knowledgeable in one area is a complete dufus in another. It is amazing that as we look at this verse that their ignorance came as a result of the hardening of their hearts. I believe it is okay to be ignorant as long as you are not arrogant. Once we start thinking that we know it all then we harden our heart and begin to be darkened in our understanding. From a Christian perspective that is why we are totally amazed at the level of ignorance that is displayed by so called scientists who have written off creation as an option for the origins of the universe. They declare it to be religion, harden their hearts and show themselves ignorant. Unfortunately it also comes with consequences. When we harden our hearts and darken our hearts then we become separated from the life of God. Wow. Dear God, soften my heart to your knowledge and understand so that I can live the life of God.

Sunday, June 17, 2007


Eph. 4:17 (NIV)
So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking.

When was the last time you used that phrase? I insist! It is common to use the phrase when we want someone to go ahead of us, and we are stuck with each trying to be polite. However, Paul is using it as a parent would to a child who somehow thinks that the demands of the parent are optional. The term is from the original "martus" the same that we use to describe a martyr. It is with this strong feeling that he tells the Ephesian Christians to no longer live according to the futile thought patterns of their time. So with Paul, today I am going to insist on some things for us. Not just for you, but for me as well.

1. I insist that we think in eternal perspectives.

2. I insist that we put God first, others second and ourselves last

3. I insist that we do all to the glory of God

4. I insist that we set our minds on things above and all those "whatsoever" things

Saturday, June 16, 2007


Eph. 4:16 (NIV)
From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

How would your body feel if your liver stopped working, what about your esophogus, or your appendix, or your spleen? Our organs do not get a lot of our attention and most of the time we take them for granted. However their work is essential to our health, and if each part does not do its work then the whole body suffers. Which part are you in the body of Christ? A you a part? and, if you are a part, are you working? How does the work that you do, or fail to do make the rest of the body feel? Is the body you attend sick? Is it hurting? And if so, how can you work to make it healthy again?

Friday, June 15, 2007


Eph. 4:15 (NIV)
speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.

Dobson defines love as the attitude of self sacrifice to meet the needs of the cherished person. Love is a strange and often misunderstood emotion, and for me that has led to being very cautious with it as a term. In some ways we misuse the term and remove all meaning by saying that we love football, Apple pie and action movies. In other ways we fail to use the term enough. However, recently I determined to tell people that I love them. I want them to know that they are cherished and that I have an attitude of self sacrifice to prove it. We need to stop being so silent with our love and let our words match our feelings. To say "I love you" at inappropriate times and to people outside our family. It should be okay for me to tell another man that I love him and to tell another man's wife that I love her too. I should not withhold that knowledge from my kids or my wife or from you. So here goes. Dear devotional reader for today, I love you. I really do. and by that I mean that you are valued, cherished even; my attitude is that I will sacrifice my self to meet your needs as Christ gives me the ability. Now it is your turn... try saying I love you to someone at an inappropriate time. It is fun. They feel all awkward at first, but soon realize that they are truly loved, and love... is the most powerful emotion on earth!

Editor's note: The picture is from one of my favorite children's books "Guess how much I love you" Ask me the next time we meet and I will tell you.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Eph. 4:15 (NIV)
speaking the truth in love
, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.

To tell you the truth, I struggle sometimes with the balance that is speaking the truth in love. I am very good at one or the other, but both is hard. I am really good at being critical of those who violate the truth that I know. I can point out their inconsistencies and error in a way that can bring shame and anger from even the most mild mannered among us. I also am good at loving people. I have the ability to feel their hurt as well as their happiness with them as if it were my own. One of my biggest struggles is the application of this verse. To find the right balance for speaking the truth in love. If I err on the side of truth, I will drive people away and come across as arrogant and self righteous. If I err on the side of love, I will come across as condoning and shallow. I must seek God's wisdom on what it meas to apply this truth in my life. To confront sin as Jesus did with the money changers, and yet love the sinner as he did with Zachaeus. Probably the best instruction I have received in this area shows that Christ was harsh against proud sinners, and soft on repentant sinners. I know that I have a long way to go and pray that today God will help me to know the truth, to love the sinner and the grace to balance the two.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Eph. 4:11 - 12 (NIV)
It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.

Construction takes place all around us. It seems that the state flower would be a construction cone. Everybody is building. Building roads, building homes, building buildings. On a side note, why do we call them buildings? If they are complete shouldn't we call them builts or something? The thing that we as a church are called to build is people. We can never forget that people are the reason Christ died. People are more important than buildings. Today I pray that God will give me opportunities to build up my children. To put up some walls, strengthen their foundation, to give them a little protection from this cold harsh world. And I pray that it will go beyond just my kids to God granting me the opportunity to build someone else up. That he will allow me to see someone who has been torn down, and recognize it as a divine appointment to do a little people construction.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Eph. 4:11 - 12 (NIV)
It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.

We get the word prepare from the french pre(before) and Parare meaning, acording to Webster to "trim off an outside, excess, or irregular part of " In the original sense this word, "artee-os" in the Greek, carries the idea of refreshing, or of making ready every part. It is highly similar in its origin for the Greek word "artos"for bread. The thoughts seems to be that the role of the leadership of the church is to develop people. This may include ideas of trimming excess and irregular parts from people's lives so that they are more fit for ministry, or carefully kneading them and allowing them to rise to the challenge. All in all today, we must realize that the job description given here is secondary to the job that it represents. The purpose of leadership is arriving at a destination. Therefore the purpose of preparation is for works of service. Today I will prepare in such a was as to not just to know more about God, but to be better able, and more likely to serve God.

Monday, June 11, 2007


Eph. 4:4 - 6 (NKJV)

There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

The theme of Ephesians is... you guessed it, unity. Today's world is marked by individualism we are all gravitating to the "i"pod, eating our burgers "my way", and scheduling TV shows around our own time. Self centered-ness permeates our culture and uniqueness is seen as a virtue. We tend to focus more attention on our differences than what we have in common. Chipper Jones, the great baseball player of the Atlanta Braves comes to mind. They call him chipper, because he had (before he made millions and got it repaired) a chipped tooth. You see we nickname people based on their differences. We describe people by their peculiarities. The short pudgy one with wirey hair, bucked teeth and glasses who always wears the chartreuse pants. Unity and for that part Christianity requires that we focus more on our commonalities that our conflicts. Paul does good to remind us here that although we as a church are very different in our looks, styles, cultures, and countries of origin, that we have the important things in common. We are one Body (church), One Spirit, One Hope, One Lord, One faith, One baptism, One God.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


Eph. 4:1 (NKJV)
I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called.

Worthy, from the Greek word Axio literally means to live appropriate to our calling. When we are saved, a redeemed life should naturally follow. A good example of this is found in this Fox News article from today.

An Arizona man shocked cops in the East Village this week by walking into the local precinct and announcing that he'd strangled a woman on East 13th Street during an argument in 2004 -- and that Jesus Christ wanted him to turn himself in.
Authorities said the confession has solved the previously cold-case murder of
Myrna Gonzales, a 45-year-old homeless woman whose body was found folded into a large steamer trunk in a vacant lot at East 13th Street and Third Avenue.
"We wish Jesus would solve more of these," one law enforcement source said.
Michael Mohr, 51, might have gotten away with the slaying. But he'd recently had a religious conversion, and realized Jesus wanted him to do the right thing.

Walking worthy means that we do the appropriate thing, no matter the cost, no matter what. With Paul, I beseech you to walk worthy today. Do what is right no matter the cost!

Saturday, June 9, 2007


Eph. 3:20 (NIV)
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us

The imagination is a powerful thing. A children we would spend hours playing in the pretend world of our imagination. Life however has a way of exchanging our imagination for reality. In fact it is very hard for us as adults to imagine very much at all. I read this quote in a commentary on Ephesians this week, and it struck me so much that I had to go and make Amy read it.

"I read of the rockets and the probes into outer space. I read concerning man's braggadocio declaration that he will go to the moon, and that he will use the moon as a springboard to reach Mars! And then I remember that every major judgment God has sent upon this earth was preceded by the desire of God's creatures to by-pass God and become gods themselves."

It is hard to believe that in 1963 that space travel as we know it was thought to be "braggadocio" that going to the moon or to Mars was thought to be an attempt to "by-pass" God. I though about this last night as I stood in the front yard with my family and my neighbors and watched the space shuttle Atlantis blast into orbit. Wow! Somebody imagined that, when others were saying things like this guy, who by the way will go nameless.

I only bring this up to make the point that we as believers can easily kill the very imagination that God has given us. God does not want us to live in this human reality, God wants us to live in His reality. And His reality appears to be a lot more fun, a lot safer, and the only true reality. I don't know about you, but I am going to spend some time today imagining what God can do through me, and what God can do through Cornerstone. Then I am going to talk to Him about it and then go read this verse again and know that He is able to do immeasurably more than I can even imagine.

Friday, June 8, 2007


Eph. 3:20 (NIV)
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.

From our World Hope Mission
On January 12, 2001 evangelist Dr. David A. Janney of Orlando, Florida and Dr. Benny M. Abante Jr., Filipino host pastor, along with 57 delegates from the USA., and over 1,000 pastors from the Philippines,experienced an incredible "Jesus Saves Crusade" at the Luneta Grandstand in Manila, Philippines.
Praying for and expecting as many as 200,000 to attend, the crowd easily exceeded 350,000 with some Philippine news reporters estimating as many as 500,000 present. Manila Mayor Lito Atienza and former Mayor Mel Lopez were honored guests. The 1,000-voice choir, led by Pastor Reuben Abante, along with other stirring music and drama, was a dynamic catalyst in directing the crowd's attention to our Saviour, Jesus Christ. The gigantic crowd listened attentively as Dr. Janney preached an evangelistic message from Mark Chapter 5, on the woman in the crowd, who believed if she could just get to Jesus, she would be made whole. As Pastor Benny Abante offered the invitation in a mix of both English and Tagalog, the choir sang as a throng of people began to move forward. The foresight of the crusade committee had prepared several thousand workers to meet and pray with those who came to receive Christ as Savior, yet even the workers were overwhelmed as the crowd pressed to come to Jesus. By evening's end, over 50,000 souls had been added to the Lord's family.

I thank God for doing immeasurably more than we imagine because we often ask too little and imagine too small.

Thursday, June 7, 2007


Eph. 3:18 -19 (NIV)
may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

Christ is endless. He is God, and everything about Him is eternal and boundless. To know His love is to experience a love that is ever expanding just as our universe continues to expand. My love however has limits. I have limits of patience, limits of giving, limits of love. I sometimes let those I "love" down because I do not love them in the way that they expect or deserve to be loved. My love is nothing like the love of Christ. His love surpasses knowledge. There will never be a time when I will reach the end of His love. I will never be able to say that I know the limits of the love of Christ. I will one day spend eternity in heaven, and even then I will not be able to reach the end of His limitless love. As a follower of Christ, I pray that others will see His love reflected in me, because my love is limited.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Eph. 3:17 (NKJV)
that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love,

The life of the tree exists in the roots. Just as the roots are invisible but essential to the life of the plant so it is with Christ in our spiritual life. Often I desire the deep, rich vibrancy and the fruit that is the visible part of the Christian life, but in order to achieve that end, my focus must be on a deep and grounded root. During the winter months the majority of the growth of the tree takes place in the roots. It is through this trial that the whole tree is strengthened. Then as Spring time comes, we can see the fruit of that struggle. Quality fruit comes as a direct result of quality roots. Today, I will focus more attention on deepening my invisible roots more than I calling attention to the visible fruits.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Eph. 3:17a (NKJV)

that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith;

What does it mean that Christ may dwell in your hearts? We use this type of language all the time as Christians, but does Jesus really live in our hearts. Unfortunately for many believers the light is on, but nobody is home. The light is on in that we have been enlightened to the truth that Jesus is the Christ, we would even say that we accept Him as our Savior. However, even though He owns the house, it is hard to see any evidence of His indwelling in our everyday lives. If a dwelling is really inhabited there would be evidence. The first sign is that light would shine through. If there is no light, indwelling is often suspect. Secondly, an inhabited house would show outside evidence of inside activity... a car, some toys, there always is some outside indication. Also, an indwelt house will show signs of use, things will break, but the one who lives inside will repair it. Today, I pray that others will take notice of the one who dwells in our hearts.

Monday, June 4, 2007


Eph. 3:12 (NIV)
In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.

Freedom is something that we enjoy but never comes for free. Just as our service men and women worked and sacrificed for our political freedom, Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice for our spiritual freedom. I remember growing up always wanting more freedom. Rules, restrictions, and reality all meant that freedom was impaired, at least that was the case in my teenage mind. I grew to hate the phrase "with freedom comes responsibility." We have freedom to come to God through faith in Christ but with that freedom comes responsibility. Freedom to talk to God means that we also have the responsibility to do so with respect. Freedom does not mean that we treat God as a peer or fail to show him the due honor. May we spend today freely approaching the throne of grace with confidence, showing God the honor and respect that He is due.

Sunday, June 3, 2007


Eph. 3:8 (NKJV)

To me, who am less than the least of all the saints, this grace was given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ,

We live in a day when unsearchable seems too extreme. With modern Satellites and computers, I can literally look at a satellite photo of my house. (see my house here) I also have vast libraries of knowledge at my finger tips. Just 50 years ago, the libraries of the world were virtually inaccessible, but now I can Google any word or idea. I can read Wikipedia and find the scoop on just about everything. However, Google will never be able to access all the unsearchable riches of Christ. It cannot be cataloged. It is beyond comprehension. I am glad that I have such a God. I am glad that I will spend eternity learning and understand His greatness. The fact that his riches are unsearchable does not discourage me, my goal is not to learn everything and be finished with Him. the joy is in the journey. Today, I want to learn something new about my Savior.

Saturday, June 2, 2007


Eph. 2:21 - 22 (NKJV) whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.

Driving up and down US 27, it is not uncommon to see what was an orange grove cleared overnight and construction beginning. We tend to watch in eager anticipation of what will be coming to our area. We hope that it is our favorite restaurant, or a store that we usually have to drive a long way to reach. Then in the end we finally see it coming together and can identify what is being built. In the same way, we are all under construction. God is in the process of clearing some things out of our lives and building some things into our lives so that in the end we are a "dwelling place of God in the Spirit." The next time that God takes something from you, know that he is just clearing some room to build. Don't bemoan the loss, but anticipate the building.

Friday, June 1, 2007


Eph. 2:20 (NKJV)
having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone,

About 5 years ago, I did an addition on our house. We converted a falling down porch into a real room. In order to do so, we had to dig a new footer, pour a slab, and build a block wall. It took much thought and careful laying of the first block. A String was pulled to show the line, and the first block was laid in such a way, that when we got to the end of the wall, that it would line up perfectly. If the block was off by just a fraction of an inch, then the wall would have been off by as much as a foot in the end. Everything depended on that corner block. Jesus Christ is our cornerstone. We must build our lives in such a way that they perfectly line up with Him. By doing so, we not only end up where we should be, we are pleasing to our creator. Today, lets examine our lives and see if there are areas that we do not line up with Christ. Then adjust so that every area meets His perfect standard.