Saturday, July 28, 2007


Prov. 3:33 - 34 (NIV)

33 The LORD’S curse is on the house of the wicked, but he blesses the home of the righteous.
34 He mocks proud mockers but gives grace to the humble.

God mocks proud mockers. I think I like that. (except when I am the proud mocker that is) I remember grade school and the times that the bullys would taunt those with less than perfection. It did not matter what the problem, whether a physical problem or something as simple as a stutter. Mockers always had a keen eye for shortfalls and were happy to exploit them. Now God comes into the picture and sticks up for all of us who are sometimes humbled by mockers. We have it in His word that he frustrates them and when they fail he mocks them. Score one for the little guy! Today, I will choose to be the little guy with the big God rather than the big guy with little chance of escaping the due results of my own pride.

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