speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.
To tell you the truth, I struggle sometimes with the balance that is speaking the truth in love. I am very good at one or the other, but both is hard. I am really good at being critical of those who violate the truth that I know. I can point out their inconsistencies and error in a way that can bring shame and anger from even the most mild mannered among us. I also am good at loving people. I have the ability to feel their hurt as well as their happiness with them as if it were my own. One of my biggest struggles is the application of this verse. To find the right balance for speaking the truth in love. If I err on the side of truth, I will drive people away and come across as arrogant and self righteous. If I err on the side of love, I will come across as condoning and shallow. I must seek God's wisdom on what it meas to apply this truth in my life. To confront sin as Jesus did with the money changers, and yet love the sinner as he did with Zachaeus. Probably the best instruction I have received in this area shows that Christ was harsh against proud sinners, and soft on repentant sinners. I know that I have a long way to go and pray that today God will help me to know the truth, to love the sinner and the grace to balance the two.
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