They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts.
Oh yes... the ignorance that is in us, waiting for the right moment to show itself and embarrass us to no end. The truth is that even brain surgeons are no rocket scientists. Even the most knowledgeable in one area is a complete dufus in another. It is amazing that as we look at this verse that their ignorance came as a result of the hardening of their hearts. I believe it is okay to be ignorant as long as you are not arrogant. Once we start thinking that we know it all then we harden our heart and begin to be darkened in our understanding. From a Christian perspective that is why we are totally amazed at the level of ignorance that is displayed by so called scientists who have written off creation as an option for the origins of the universe. They declare it to be religion, harden their hearts and show themselves ignorant. Unfortunately it also comes with consequences. When we harden our hearts and darken our hearts then we become separated from the life of God. Wow. Dear God, soften my heart to your knowledge and understand so that I can live the life of God.
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