For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.
Notice that it does NOT say, you were once IN darkness, but now your are IN light. IN fact it says that we were darkness. Darkness was not a condition of our environment, it was our very essence. We were darkness! but now, (by the way, my favorite word in the Bible is the word "but") But now, you are light. No light is not just a condition of our environment, it is now our essence. God has left us here as lights.
Lights mean things. Everywhere on earth, lights are used to help others see, they are used for signals to communicate, and they are even used in medicine to heal. If you look at a light bulb, the light actually comes when there is a high amount of power passing through the smal filament. It is more power than the filament can handle and the light we see is the overflow. Today, let us ask God to empower us to the extent that our lights will shine bright.
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