And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus
When we think of sitting we usually think of it in the sense of resting. Although this can be inferred in the sense that heavenly places are a place of rest it is not the word picture that Paul is describing. Here sitting implies position in his kingdom. We who were dead in our trespasses and sins, far removed from God, have been raised up with Christ and are now seated with him. In ancient times the rulers would sit at the city gates to make judgment. We still use this term today when we refer to the county "seat" or the "chair"man of the board. Siting with Christ spiritually indicates a position of power over the flesh that we did not have when we walked according to the ways of the world. Because we have been raised up we are in authority and no longer slaves to sin. Knowing this, we are forced to ask ourselves a few questions. 1. Am I acting like a powerless slave to my flesh, or am I acting as one who holds a position of power? 2. Do I have the confidence that accompanies a person of authority? God has given us this picture to let us know that because of Him we too have power over sin and death. Today, climb into your power chair and refuse to obey your flesh!
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