I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.
"Better" is not a word of measure, but a word of comparison. Too often in our Christian lives we get into achievement mode. We pray that our loved ones will "get saved," get in church," "get in small group," "get in the Bible." I must admit that my prayers often fall into this trap of multi-level Christianity. Paul does not pray that way for the Ephesians. His constant prayer is that they will always, by God's grace, know Him better. All relationships must fight the urge to settle down, to get comfortable and snuggle in, to be content to splash around in the shallow end. God, wants a relationship with us that is constantly getting better, through the Spirit of wisdom and revelation. As we read His Bible in the daily, as we walk with other believers, as we sit around the table and apply God's Word to our lives, then, and only then will we get better. May this be our prayer for one another, better yet, may this be our prayer for ourselves.
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